Fixed Term Deposit

We hereby inform to all our esteemed depositors/account holders that the interest rates on Fixed Deposits w.e.f.  01-08-2024 as follows:-

Period of DepositGeneral DepositorsSenior Citizen
  15 Days   –   28 Days4.00 %4.00 %
  29 Days   –  90 Days4.25 %4.25 %
91 Days   –  180 Days4.50 %4.50 %
  181 Days –  365 Days6.00 %6.50 %
  13 Month –  24 Month7.25 %7.75 %
  25 Month –  36 Month7.50 %8.00 %
  37 Month –  60 Month8.00 %8.50 %
  61 Month –  90 Month7.50 %8.00 %
Simple Interest Rate on Fixed Deposits
Days of DepositGeneral DepositorsSenior Citizen
3667.00 %7.50 %

Note: Interest rate applicable on Saving Bank deposit is paid by the bank to deceased depositors of individuals, proprietor current account holders and other unclaimed depositors from the death of depositor till payment of deposits.